Tuesday, July 31, 2012

WOW! Good Morning to Me!

Now that I have my three miles in, I can properly thank and be excited about all of the bloggy love I received while I was sleeping.
Let me start by saying, "What? An award for Back in Fourth? Shucks, thank you so much Miss Doliboa at Fashionably in First Grade. You sure made my morning!"

Here is my very first award

Thank you Fashionably in First Grade for my Versatile Blogger Award!

Seven Random Facts:

1.  I run at least a mile every day. I have logged 486.27 miles so far this year.
2.  I have taught in 4 different states.
3. I love ellipsis...
4.  I am a horrible speller!
5. I have a dog named Gobi (after my favorite Indian food Aloo Gobi).
6.  I have a goal of doing yoga on a stand up paddle board. (soonish)
7.  I think it is really difficult to make words come out of my fingers (writing).

I would like to nominate the following bloggers with this award and you must complete the following:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Include a link to their blog
3. Include the award image in your post
4. Give seven random facts about yourself
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
6. When nominating, include a link to their blog
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated
Versatile Blog Nominations...

I will be letting you all know shortly! I am really excited to share this adventure with all of you!


  1. awwww, thanks.....you made my bloggy day! Thanks for the award & shout out :)

    The First Grade Derby

  2. Thank you so much for the award, it's very sweet of you! =) I admire your commitment to running...I wish I were a runner!
